So, I opened our coffee kiosk on Monday morning. I got up at 3:50 (AKA: my alarm was set... I did not get OUT of bed until 4:15... Come on, you know you appreciate the honesty.) Got to work at 5:30 and did all my normal opening stuff, helped customers, etc. My lunch break was scheduled for 9:30. As the time neared, I watched the clock go slowly by from 9:25 on. I was getting hungry (And smelling the scent of steamed milk was not helping the situation any). I finished off my last white mocha with a perfect dollop of vanilla whipping cream, house-made. Then it was time. I got the okay from my boss to head to the break room. Now you know that just about everyone loves break time. Take off your apron, sit down in a back room with no customers asking where the pasta, or olive oil, or kefir (don't even ask me) is. This wasn't any ordinary break though, you must remember. This was my THIRY-MINUTE burst of freedom! And not only that, but I had a delectable Quest Bar waiting for me in my locker! (I only buy them every so often when they're on sale, so this was a real treat I had been hoarding in my cupboard for about a week). I rushed in and frantically punched my employee ID into the time clock before I scrambled over to my locker and forced the lock open (okay, maybe I just strolled in, clocked out, and waited for the narrow locker hall to be free of people before I headed over and got my stuff). I got my Apricot vanilla cream tea out and mixed it around with my hot water and almond milk concoction I had brought from home. Then I searched my bag for my beloved s'mores flavored protein bar and grabbed my raspberry yogurt for the perfect pair. As I had seen many times in ads and recipes, etc, quest bars taste extremely scrumptious heated up in the microwave for 10ish seconds. "Well, duh I want to try that! It's SMORES?! Its going to taste a bajillion times better warmed up." So I sauntered over to the table where I placed my things and unfolded the wrapper of my bar. I opened the packaging up so that the plastic was flat with the questie on top. Then, I excitedly hopped over to the microwave and placed my goodie inside. *PAUSE* Guess what!? I grew up in a home where microwaves were frowned upon (more like scowled at) because of the bad effects of them. You know, the literal "Micro-waves" that they release into the air and all. So this being said, I don't know too much about the use of this kitchen-ware item. *END PAUSE* So I set this hunk of deliciousness, sitting on its wrapper, into the microwave and closed the door. I set the timer for 15 seconds and pressed go. In the same instant the turn-table started moving, there was a mini-lightning storm inside the microwave compartment as my quest bar was basically electrocuted.
Microwave: "ZAP"
Me: "AHHH!!!" *Rushes to turn it off and open the door, then timidly stops, afraid of being electrocuted, myself.*
I gulped, took a deep breath, and lightly touched the door of the maniac machine. Nothing. I went a step further and touched the greasy break room microwave turntable. Nothing. I reached in and snatched my bar and THIS is what I found....
Woah. Totally didn't see this one coming... |
Her: "Oh yeah, definitely. *pause* Just nothing with metal or foil."
My brain did a face palm as I thought, "duh!? Why didn't I guess?"
Needless to say, I warmed up my s'mores bar properly and it turned out just like I'd heard it would, nice and chewy yet soft, like a cookie.
And that is the end of my adventure from Monday.
I also feel the need to add the fact that once I started telling people this story, everyone started telling me that they've done the same thing before! Maybe you've even done this too. Or maybe you're smarter than me and actually read the microwave instruction manual, if it exists. 😞
Thanks for hearing about my day! Until next time,
~ Sianna Renae
I did that before :) Loaf of bread, whole thing... the little twist tie did me in. Set my microwave on fire. Granted I was nine ;)